Privacy Policy

At AgCarolina Farm Credit, 在寻求外部专业人士的帮助以获得信贷时,我们认识到您对隐私和个人财务信息保密性的期望. 我们在制定和实施政策和程序方面非常谨慎,并承诺对这些政策和程序进行持续审查,以保护您的个人和财务信息.

Your privacy is a top priority in all aspects of our business. 我们的员工被告知他们有责任保护您的机密信息,并受到严格的行为标准的约束, which prohibit unauthorized use of your information. Security procedures and internal controls are also in place to protect your privacy.

On this site, we collect personally identifiable information (such as name, address, or SSN) only if specifically, and knowingly, provided by you. We do not give, sell, or transfer any personal information to third parties, unless required by law or under such other permissible purposes as set forth by regulation.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

On our website, we collect and store information about your visit for security reasons, as well as for site research and enhancement. We do not track or record information about individuals and their visits. 使用cookies(一个由网站放置在你硬盘上的文件,允许它监控你对网站的使用), we automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit:

  • Your internet domain (for example, "xcompany.如果您使用私人互联网访问帐户和IP地址(IP地址是在您浏览网页时自动分配给您的计算机的数字)访问我们的网站;
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our site;
  • The date and time you access our site;
  • The pages you visit; and
  • If you linked to our site from another website, the address of that website.

Information Collected from Emails and Web Forms

If you complete one of our interactive forms or submit an email through our website, your information will be used as described at the point of collection. 它可以被农业信贷公司的员工看到和使用,但不会提供给非附属第三方. If you are not comfortable providing the requested information via email or web forms, please contact us by calling 800.951.3276, or by writing to us at 636 Rock Spring Rd, Greenville, NC 27834.

当您访问我们的网站时,我们不会获得您的个人识别信息,除非您选择向我们提供此类信息. 我们将此类信息的使用和收集限制在维持和管理金融服务所必需的范围内, provide excellent service, and offer new products and services that may be of benefit to you. If, for any reason, you would like to be removed from our distribution list, please contact us at the number or address indicated above, or by contacting us via our Information Request form.

We may use third party suppliers and/or service providers to facilitate our services. For example, 我们可能会将我们网站的一个或多个方面外包给供应商或服务提供商,由他们根据我们的要求提供服务. In all cases we restrict how these suppliers or service providers may access, use, or disclose your information. In general, we do not permit these suppliers or service providers to retain, disclose or sell your information to third parties.

Security, Intrusion and Detection

数据加密——如果您使用的是启用了安全功能的浏览器(如Microsoft Internet Explorer version 2).1 or greater, or Netscape Navigator version 2.0 or greater), the information you provide us is encrypted, making it extremely difficult to read, even if it is wrongly intercepted. 我们的网站使用行业标准的安全套接字层(SSL)技术来加密潜在的敏感信息,如您的姓名和地址,以及非常敏感的信息,如您的社会安全号码或账号.

For website security purposes and to ensure that this site remains available to all users, 对网站上的流量进行监控,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息或造成损害的企图. 未经授权在本网站上传或更改信息的企图是严格禁止的,并可能受到法律的惩罚.

Third-Party Website Links & Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

我们可能会提供链接到由各联邦机构或其他组织维护的独立网站, solely as a benefit to our customers. These other sites may have their own privacy notices and policies, which we do not control, and thus are not addressed by our privacy notice. Our privacy notice only addresses our activities and our website. While we do our best to provide you with helpful, trustworthy resources; we do not endorse, approve, or guarantee: information, products, services, or recommendations provided at any of the sites to which we have provided links.

We are neither responsible for the content or accuracy of any of these links, 我们也不对因使用链接或任何链接网站而造成的任何损失或损害负责. We are not liable for any failure of products or services advertised or provided on these linked sites. We offer these links on an "as is" basis.

When you visit a linked website by using the link on our site, you will no longer be protected by our privacy notice or security practices. 您应该熟悉您所访问的任何网站的隐私声明和安全措施.

This website is neither directed at children under the age of 13, nor do we collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. 如果父母或监护人知道他或她的孩子未经同意提供了个人信息, 然后他或她应该通过下面新版ued官网app部分中描述的一种方法及时通知我们, and we will use reasonable efforts to comply with the request. For more information on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), visit

Guidance for Our Customers Against E-Mail and Internet-Related Fraudulent Schemes

E-mail and Internet-related fraudulent schemes, such as "phishing" (pronounced "fishing"), are being perpetrated with increasing frequency, creativity, and intensity. 网络钓鱼包括使用看似合法的电子邮件信息和网站来欺骗消费者披露敏感信息, such as bank or loan account information, social security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, and personal identification numbers (PINs). 欺诈性电子邮件消息的犯罪者可能使用各种手段使收件人相信该消息是合法的,并且来自与收件人建立了业务关系的可信来源. Techniques such as a false "from" address or the use of seemingly legitimate company logos, weblinks and graphics may be used to mislead e-mail recipients.

In most phishing schemes, 欺诈性电子邮件信息会要求收件人“更新”或“验证”他们的财务或个人信息,以维护他们的帐户,并将他们引导到一个看起来与合法企业网站非常相似的欺诈网站. 这些网站可能包括从合法网站复制或“欺骗”的页面,以进一步欺骗消费者,使他们认为他们正在响应一个真实的请求. 一些消费者会错误地将财务和个人信息提交给犯罪分子,犯罪分子会利用这些信息获取财务记录或账户, commit identity theft or engage in other illegal acts. 如果你认为你收到了一封网络钓鱼邮件,或者对一封疑似来自AgCarolina Farm Credit的可疑邮件有疑问, 请按照本通知“举报可疑或欺诈性通讯及交易”部分的指示操作.

Ways We Are Working to Protect Your Information from Fraud and Identity Theft

  • We will never send e-mail messages that request confidential information, such as account numbers, passwords, or PINs.
  • We will work to notify internet service providers, domain name-issuing companies, 执法部门关闭欺诈网站和其他互联网新版ued官网app下载,这些网站和新版ued官网app下载可能被用来促进网络钓鱼或其他针对我们客户的电子邮件和互联网相关欺诈计划.
  • We maintain suspicious activity monitoring and employ additional identity verification controls.
  • We will offer our customers assistance when fraud is detected in connection with customer accounts.

Additional Tips on Protecting Yourself from Fraud and Identity Theft

  • The safest approach to is to immediately delete emails from unknown sources, before opening the email.
  • Avoid clicking on any links in unsolicited email, particularly emails that ask (either directly or by pointing to a website) for personal, financial or identity information. Instead, directly type the website destination into your browser, use a trusted bookmark to verify the site, or to log into your account directly.
  • 始终通过使用我们网站的可信书签或直接在浏览器中输入我们的网站地址来访问我们的网站.
  • Check to ensure you have typed the address correctly before providing personal information on the site.
  • When using Digital Banking, check to ensure that the padlock icon appears in your browser's status bar. It indicates that your information is secure during transmission.
  • When you click on the DigiCert Secured logo on our Digital Banking log-in page, it should take you to a site indicating that "" is a DigiCert Secure Site and should display the following information:
Organization NameAgFirst Farm Credit Bank
Location VerifiedSOUTH CAROLINA, USA
TLS/SSL CertificateExpires: 01-July-2023
Certificate TypeDigiCert SSL Certificate
Email AddressConfirmed
Domain OwnershipConfirmed
Warranty Level$2 million USD
  • If you receive an email or text that warns you, with little or no notice, that an account of yours will be shut down unless you re-confirm your billing information, do not reply, or click, on the link in the email or text. Instead, 用你知道的真实电话号码或网址新版ued官网app邮件中提到的公司.
  • 您可能还希望与您的互联网服务提供商新版ued官网app,以获得阻止电子邮件或订阅他们可能提供的垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件过滤器的支持.
  • Ensure your home computer has adequate anti-virus software and remember to update it frequently.

Reporting Suspicious or Fraudulent Communications and Transactions

您应及时向联邦贸易委员会(FTC)报告可疑活动或电子邮件通信。. Send the actual email you received to If you believe you've been scammed, file your complaint at, then visit the FTC's Identity Theft website to learn how to minimize your risk of damage from identity theft.

If you receive a suspicious message that appears to be coming from us, or discover a potentially phony AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA website, please let us know by calling 800.951.3276 or contacting us via our Information Request form so that we may take appropriate action.

How to Contact Us


Toll-Free in the U.S.: 800.951.3276


Postal Mail:

AgCarolina Farm Credit

636 Rock Spring Rd.

Greenville, NC 27834